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3 Crazy Mistakes Made Him Interview Billionaires | Alex Banayan

AUGUST 3, 2024 3 Crazy Mistakes Made Him Interview Billionaires READ TIME - 5 MINUTES Alex Banayan made some huge mistakes. The falls that followed were hard. Yet, for his book "The Third Door," he has interviewed dozens of the most successful people on the planet. Because he gave himself the grace to understand that failure was a beautiful, natural part of the journey. Every setback is an opportunity to learn. The ultimate goal is that, when you look back, you have learned more often than...

JULY 27, 2024 How Nathan Barry Built His Business Empire ($3,4 million MRR) READ TIME - 5 MINUTES Nathan Barry built a $320 million dollar empire by following one simple framework. The beauty of it is that it combines all of the best business tactics in replicable rules. Nathan’s strategy revolves around a two-part strategy. An equation that leads to one of the greatest entrepreneur growth story, of all time. If there’s something you can't afford not to know is this. Let’s unlock his secrets....

JULY 20, 2024 5 Steps to Identify Your Passion and Purpose READ TIME - 6 MINUTES You know what I'm talking about: That moment in your day when you sit quietly, and you realize you don't know where you're going. You feel lost, unsure of the path ahead. This uncertainty can weigh heavily, making every decision feel overwhelming. If you don’t find clarity, it will turn into frustration and missed opportunities. What if there was a way to uncover what truly lights you up? Instead of drifting...

JULY 13, 2024 3x Your Sales with a Perfect Offer Recipe READ TIME - 4 MINUTES I have recently begun my long journey to freedom. There's a lot to share, so let's start from the top. As I've often heard, it's not where you go, it's where you begin. Let's get started. Right now I’m reading "Million Dollar Weekend" by Noah Kagan. With every business or personal development book I read, I try to apply some important lessons. Today, we talk about offer validation. The process to validate a solution...