5 Steps to Identify Your Passion and Purpose

JULY 20, 2024

5 Steps to Identify Your Passion and Purpose


You know what I'm talking about:

That moment in your day when you sit quietly, and you realize you don't know where you're going.

You feel lost, unsure of the path ahead.

This uncertainty can weigh heavily, making every decision feel overwhelming.

If you don’t find clarity, it will turn into frustration and missed opportunities.

What if there was a way to uncover what truly lights you up?

Instead of drifting through life, you can take steps to discover your purpose.

Let’s see how you can turn uncertainty into confidence and find the passion you’ve been searching for.

A guide to identify your purpose

Sometimes it seems like life is one big Hollywood movie, with lots of unexpected twists and turns.

We all have moments when we question our direction—when the weight of uncertainty looms large.
Identifying your passion and purpose isn’t just about finding a career; it’s about discovering what’s your reason for being.

This journey can lead you to a fulfilling life and a successful business.

Here are five steps to help you navigate this path.

Step 1: Complete the Ikigai Exercise

Finding your "reason for being" is a powerful step.

I didn't think this exercise was worth a second look until I saw how it transformed my wife. After she took the time to answer all my questions, I saw her in a new light.

In that moment, I knew I had to do it too.

The Ikigai exercise asks you to explore four crucial areas: what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. It’s like creating a compass for your journey.

When these circles intersect, you can gain a better understanding of yourself. I remember sitting down with a pen and paper, mapping out these areas, feeling like a light bulb went off.

Suddenly, I could see all the potential paths I’d never considered before. The beauty of this exercise lies in its simplicity—spending just five minutes to draw those circles can set you on a transformative course.

Take a moment today. Grab a piece of paper and sketch out your Ikigai.

It might just reveal the path you’ve been searching for.

Step 2: Reflect on Your Past Experiences

Look back at the moments that made your heart sing.

These experiences often hold the keys to your passion. Think about times you felt truly alive, when the world seemed full of possibility.

It was after I was laid off that I decided to make a change. I was tired of my life, so I spent half my savings and left for South Africa to make a documentary. It was the best decision I ever made. Those moments really showed me what motivates me.


If you think back on these experiences, you can start to see patterns that show what you’re really passionate about. The great thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t require a lot of analysis—just honesty.

Take five minutes to jot down three memories that brought you happiness. As you write, pay attention to the common themes.
You might find threads connecting your past to your future, showing you the way to a fulfilling life.

Embrace these reflections; they are the stepping stones toward understanding what truly matters to you.

Step 3: Identify Your Skills and Strengths

What are you naturally good at?

Acknowledging your strengths can illuminate your path to passion. It’s easy to overlook our skills, but recognizing them is essential.

I remember feeling lost until I sat down and listed my talents. Telling stories, writing, problem-solving—these were my strengths. They helped me find opportunities that really suited me.

When you focus on what you excel at, doors begin to open. Imagine channeling those skills into a fulfilling career!

Take a few minutes today to create a list of your top five skills.

Once you see them on paper, think about how they can intertwine with your aspirations. This simple action can spark ideas for new ventures, leading you closer to a life filled with purpose and passion.

Your strengths are not just attributes; they are tools to help you carve out your unique path.

Step 4: Look at the areas you need to work on.

Identifying your gaps is just as important as recognizing your strengths.

We all have areas where we can grow, and acknowledging them empowers you to take action. I've come to realize that I could use some improvement in my writing skills, so I'm working on building that up.

Instead of shying away from it, I embraced the opportunity to learn. This mindset shift opened up new possibilities and equipped me for future challenges.

Look closely at where you feel less confident; those gaps can guide your learning journey.

Spend five minutes today listing two areas where you’d like to improve. Then, think of one small action you can take to start bridging that gap. Whether it’s signing up for a free course or reading a book, these little steps can lead to significant growth.

Remember, every challenge is a chance to evolve.

Step 5: Seek Feedback from Others

Sometimes, the best insights come from those around us.

Asking friends, family, or mentors for their perspectives can shine a light on your strengths and potential passions. I vividly recall reaching out to a mentor who saw a talent in me that I had overlooked.

Their encouragement helped me pivot toward opportunities I hadn’t considered. Feedback serves as a mirror, reflecting aspects of yourself you might not see. It can guide your journey in powerful ways.

Take a moment today to reach out to two people you trust.

Ask them what they believe are your greatest strengths or potential passions. This simple act can provide clarity and direction.

Embrace their insights—they may just unlock doors you didn’t know existed.


Each of these steps is a piece of the puzzle that leads to a fulfilling life and successful business.

The journey of discovering your passion and purpose may not be easy, but it’s undeniably worth it. Take the time to invest in yourself, and remember that every small action you take today can lead to profound change tomorrow.

Your dreams are waiting; it’s time to pursue them with courage and conviction.

See you next week!

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